Cooking for One this Valentine’s Day

Romance yourself with succulent bites for singles this Valentine’s day!

Being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to a lavish meal – or ten! It’s a celebration of love, after all, and what better way to romance yourself than with bountiful breakfasts, luxurious lunches, and delectable dinners that celebrate you. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about anyone else’s food preferences or be self-conscious about going in for seconds! So, let your grocery list be a love letter and start planning a day of pampering for yours truly. No reservations required.

Single Serving Recipes Just for You

Make it a Memorable Morning

Surprise yourself with an unforgettable start to the day by enjoying a breakfast board full of special goodies. Think Belgian waffles smothered in fruit, eggs benedict drizzled with lush Hollandaise sauce, a stack of chocolate chip pancakes, and assorted toasts. Using fresh ingredients is the gift that keeps on giving because they can be used in multiple dishes, so whisk yourself off to your local market, fancy cheese shop, or butchers to pick up a myriad of morsels for every meal.

Languish Over a Long Lunch

Clear your calendar and settle in for an afternoon of celebratory snacking. Imagine you’re lounging on a tropical island and give yourself permission to try a taste of everything. Calories don’t count on holiday. That’s the rule.

Fine Dining from your Kitchen

Avoid overbooked restaurants and bustling crowds eating off a boring set menu and transform your kitchen into a feast for the senses. Switch on some music, dim the lights, and graze upon a buffet of bites, all specially picked for you by you.

Don’t Forget the Sweet Treats

Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be complete without dessert, so be sure to save room to shower yourself in a variety of tempting treats. And no one’s stopping you from keeping the festivities going all week long, so bake in batches and freeze the rest to remind yourself every day that you’re lucky to have… you.