Inspiring change with Movember

This November, men around the world will grow a moustache to raise awareness of important men’s health issues. Read on to find out the history of Movember, how to get involved, and what foods can contribute to men’s wellness.

Antioxidant-packed tomato recipes

It all started with a moustache…

The Movember movement began in 2003 when a group of friends decided to do something to raise awareness of men’s health issues. They wanted to address the lack of visibility around issues like prostate cancer and men’s mental health, and felt growing a moustache would invite people to ask questions and open up an important conversation. The movement has been hugely successful, with millions of men participating every year to raise money for the Movember Foundation. It’s easy to take part: simply grow a moustache for the month of Movember, ask friends and family to sponsor you, and help to raise awareness of serious men’s health issues.

Salmon dishes for good heart health

10 foods for men’s health

While Movember is a great reminder to focus on men’s health, enjoying a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods throughout the year is also key. Here are some fantastic foods that can boost men’s general health and wellbeing:

  1. Tomatoes: Rich in antioxidants, tomatoes can help support good prostate health.
  2. Broccoli: Broccoli contains sulforaphane which offers anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Berries: Berries contain antioxidants that help to combat stress.
  4. Salmon: A fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids, salmon supports good heart health.
  5. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Nuts: Nuts are packed with healthy fats, fibre, and essential nutrients.
  7. Spinach: Spinach is bursting with vitamins and minerals which contribute to good overall health.
  8. Green tea: Rich in antioxidants, green tea can support good cardiovascular health.
  9. Garlic: Garlic contains allicin which can help to boost immunity.
  10. Oats: Oats are high in fibre and help regulate cholesterol levels.

Juice your way to good health!

If you’re enjoying these healthy, nutrient-rich foods, it makes sense to consider what you’re drinking. This collection of bright, vibrant juices offers some great alternatives to alcohol. Fresh juices are a fantastic way to add fruits and vegetables to your diet, and thanks to Thermomix, making your own is easy!

Start juicing

Anti-inflammatory turmeric ideas

Other ways to get involved

If you’re unable to grow a moustache this year or you just don’t fancy it, don’t worry! There are plenty of other ways to take part in Movember:

• Donate to a friend, family member or colleague who’s participating in Movember

• Host a fundraising party or get together

• Take part in another Movember initiative such as ‘Move for Movember’

• Share resources about men’s health and spread the word about the work the Movember Foundation does

Porridge bowls packed with goodness

Boost your health and feel good!

Looking for more healthy detox ideas? Check out our helpful Winter Detox article for guidance on nutritious, vitamin-rich ingredients and recipes.

Winter detox inspiration