Best of Thermomix® Community Stars

This month, we are delighted to be featuring some of our Community Stars members, bringing you fabulous recipes, tips and experiences from Poland, Portugal and Italy.

Thermomix® created the Community Stars programme to connect with its most helpful and active customers and create an opportunity to preview and review new recipes, products, features and services.
Learn more here

Recipes from Artur and Sławek in Poland

Tips from the Stars

Artur Zaskorski

The Beef Tartare with Capers, Red Onion, Sun-dried Tomatoes and Aïoli recipe was actually created by accident! Working as a chef, I got a special order from customers who wanted beef tartare without the traditional raw yolk and pickles. For the tartare, I use beef sirloin because it has the most delicate taste and texture. To avoid egg yolks, I complemented the beef with an aioli, and I used red onions as they have a more delicate taste than white onions.

My secret tip:

To maintain the beautiful, vivid red colour of the meat, just add a little cold sparkling water. The carbon dioxide will ensure the tartare keeps its perfect colour!

Slawomir Zabawa

For my Coconut Prawn Soup, I prepare a homemade mushroom powder by finely grinding dried mushrooms (without soaking them). It is the perfect seasoning for many dishes. It can be stored in a tightly sealed container and used for many months!

What is the Community Stars programme?

Thermomix® created the Community Stars programme to connect with its most helpful and active customers and create an opportunity to preview and review new recipes, products, features and services. Being a Community Star helps you grow your skills, reach new audiences, gain exclusive access to the brand and build more recognition for your wizardry in the kitchen.

Recipes from Lília and Ana in Portugal

Tips from the Stars

Lília Matias

For a fun variation, add 300 g peeled raw prawns to the baking dish before baking the Cod and Spinach Gratin with Carrot and Courgette Soup. Take advantage of the shrimp shells and heads to make a fumet that you can freeze and use in various recipes, or freeze the shells and heads to make the fumet another time!

Ana Luísa Fernandes

I often adapt ingredients and adjust seasonings to my personal taste. For the Sweet Potato Bread Rolls I have replaced milk with oat milk, used coconut sugar instead of sugar and coconut oil to replace butter. The result was a super tasty and very versatile bread that I enjoyed for breakfast and dinner. Cookidoo® gives you more time, keeps you organided, and above all, it provides you with great recipes that can be adapted to your taste and preferences!

My 12 minute recipe for Creamy Dairy-free Custard is a delicious dessert that even the most skeptical love! It is the perfect recipe to test with different plant-based milks. You can even add a spoon or two of raw cocoa powder, lemon peel or orange peel to change up the flavour!

Recipes from Anna and Diana in Italy

Tips from the Stars

Anna Remondina

For the Chicken Salad with Mint Vinaigrette, prepare it in advance if you want more intense flavours. For the Pea Soup with Squid and Tomatoes, try replacing peas with broad beans for a fun twist.

Diana Buso

When preparing the Tiramisù with Chocolate and Chilli, if time allows, prepare the sponge one day in advance and store it wrapped in cling film. The flavours will be more intense and it will be easier to cut. You can also replace raspberries with strawberries, and if you want a more delicate flavour, replace walnuts with almonds.

Want to learn more about the Community Stars programme?

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