Cookidoo® search is constantly improving so that you can find the recipes you want, when you want. Follow Julie’s search journey and learn how you can also become a master at navigating search!
Starting broad, Julie begins her recipe search by writing in “stew”. While typing in her search term, auto-suggest shows: 1) suggested search terms and the number of recipes associated with those terms 2) specific recipe suggestions and 3) suggested category filters.
While the suggestions look great, Julie also wants to ensure she uses up her leftover tomatoes. She types in “stew with tomato”. She gets 42 mouth-watering recipe results. In addition to searching on “Recipes”, Julie can also search on “Collections” or “Articles” in order to find further recipe inspiration.
As she scrolls through her recipe results, Julie realises the total time of some of the recipes does not fit into her tight schedule. Therefore, she clicks on FILTERS to further narrow down her results.
FILTERS provide her with many options to focus on what matters to her –including category, difficulty and recipe rating among others. She is excited to see that filtering by ingredients allows her to include and exclude desired ingredients. Since she is not fond of coconut, Julie types in the ingredient with a minus in front “-coconut milk”, to exclude it from the recipe results. To make sure cooking leaves time for relaxing with the family, she also filters by recipes with a total time under 45 mins.
The recipe results now give her a curated selection of recipes tailored to her exact needs. Julie gets inspired to go meat-free and bookmarks the tofu stew – it is exactly what she was looking for – a quick and tasty tomato-based stew!
Now, for dessert. While searching for her stew, Julie was intrigued by the option to filter by language or country. Hmm, she did take many years of French in school… To find just the right way to end her meal, she filters on desserts and sweets, deselects “United Kingdom” and applies the French language filter to see what is on offer in all French-speaking Cookidoo® countries. Searching in different languages certainly allows Julie to expand her culinary horizons!
Before getting to work on her stew, Julie notices the option to save default searches in her profile. Clicking on the banner under filters brings her to her profile.
Default search allows Julie to filter by Thermomix® model(s), language(s) and country(s). Julie chooses United Kingdom and France as default countries. Cookidoo® remembers her preferences and will always have the full recipe offer from both those countries right at her fingertips every time she searches. Default search also applies her preferences to all her Cookidoo® devices: webpage, app and Thermomix®. If she wants to adjust her default search, she can easily update it at any time in her profile!
In a nutshell: search allows you to find just what you are looking for thanks to:
• Auto-suggest
• Searching on collections and editorial articles
• Excluding and including ingredients
• Filtering by language and country
• Saving default searches
• And all the other FILTERS
Now it’s your turn to get inspired, start mastering search, and make your cooking experience even more seamless!