Thermomix® It Yourself!

Prepare beautiful homemade gifts for your friends and family

Receiving an invitation to someone’s home is always lovely, but deciding what to bring as a present can be tricky. Thankfully, when you have a Thermomix®, you have endless options right at your fingertips! Rather than the typical wine or flowers, why not prepare a delicious, homemade gift? Your host will be touched that you spent so much time on a present for them, but the truth is, it won’t take you long at all!

In the time it takes to run to the florists or wine shop, you could have a jar of flavourful pesto, a bottle of berry liqueur, or a batch of delicious curried cashew nuts; all homemade, all delicious and all quick and easy to prepare.

The finishing touches

To really wow your host or hostess, go the extra mile and spend a few minutes packaging up your homemade gifts. You don’t need to be an artist to make your gifts eye-catching; simpler is often better. A handwritten label tied with a simple piece of ribbon or butcher’s string is easy to prepare and adds a polished finish.

Keep supplies on hand

“We’re leaving in 10 minutes…”

“Wait, I need to wrap our gift!”

Sometimes you might not have long to wrap your present, and at times like this it can be tempting to just pop it in a bag and head out. With just a little forward planning however, you can make sure a beautifully-wrapped gift is never more than a few minutes away. Keeping just a few key supplies in a drawer or cupboard can save the day as you rush to get ready. Pre-printed labels, ribbons, empty jam jars, clear cellophane bags or wrapping paper, colourful ties, a gold ink pen… all useful items that can help you package your homemade gifts up quickly.

For edible present ideas, search for gifts on Cookidoo®.

Try these crafty wrapping or decorative ideas

Gift cone

Bottle label

Treasure chest